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Regular check-ups and good dental hygiene can help prevent tooth decay and minimise the need for fillings. But few patients manage to avoid them all their life. The good news is that fillings have come a long way since the old days of black amalgams which are now rarely used, having been replaced by newer, reinforced plastic material called “composite”.

Before / After

Different types of composite are used for the repair of back and front teeth to give hard wearing restorations for most everyday requirements. If you would like to have all your old amalgams replaced, or just have new fillings with this material, we can help you.

For teeth that are constantly under pressure, such as your back teeth, we may recommend crowns as a stronger alternative.

Other types of Fillings

Porcelain Restorations – An alternative to composite fillings is the use of porcelain which can be bonded securely to teeth to strengthen and improve the aesthetics of your teeth. Following the taking of an impression and fitting of a temporary filling, the dental laboratory will construct your restoration which can be placed in the tooth after approximately 2 weeks.
Porcelain restorations can be used to strengthen weak or damaged teeth avoiding the need for a full crown.

Gold Restorations – At Solent House we can also offer you gold inlays or onlays. A gold inlay acts like a normal filling, an onlay is placed on and over the tooth. In either case gold is usually used when patients require an exceptionally strong inlay or onlay to fortify a tooth. This is particularly true for restoration work in the back of the mouth.

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